Source code for spectrum.linear_prediction

"""Linear prediction tools

:References: [Kay]_

from .levinson import LEVINSON, rlevinson
import numpy
from scipy.signal import deconvolve

__all__ = ['ac2poly', 'poly2ac', 'ac2rc', 'rc2poly', 'rc2ac', 'is2rc', 'rc2is',
    'rc2lar', 'lar2rc', 'poly2rc', 'lsf2poly', 'poly2lsf']

lpc Linear prediction filter coefficients
schurrc Compute reflection coefficients from autocorrelation sequence

[docs]def ac2poly(data): """Convert autocorrelation sequence to prediction polynomial :param array data: input data (list or numpy.array) :return: * AR parameters * noise variance This is an alias to:: a, e, c = LEVINSON(data) :Example: .. doctest:: >>> from spectrum import ac2poly >>> from numpy import array >>> r = [5, -2, 1.01] >>> ar, e = ac2poly(r) >>> ar array([ 1. , 0.38, -0.05]) >>> e 4.1895000000000007 """ a, e, _c = LEVINSON(data) a = numpy.insert(a, 0, 1) return a, e
[docs]def ac2rc(data): """Convert autocorrelation sequence to reflection coefficients :param data: an autorrelation vector :return: the reflection coefficient and data[0] This is an alias to:: a, e, c = LEVINSON(data) c, data[0] """ a, e, _c = LEVINSON(data) return a, data[0]
[docs]def poly2ac(poly, efinal): """ Convert prediction filter polynomial to autocorrelation sequence :param array poly: the AR parameters :param efinal: an estimate of the final error :return: the autocorrelation sequence in complex format. .. doctest:: >>> from numpy import array >>> from spectrum import poly2ac >>> poly = [ 1. , 0.38 , -0.05] >>> efinal = 4.1895 >>> poly2ac(poly, efinal) array([ 5.00+0.j, -2.00+0.j, 1.01-0.j]) """ results = rlevinson(poly, efinal) return results[0]
def ar2rc(ar): """ Convert autoregressive parameters into reflection coefficients """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def poly2rc(a, efinal): """Convert prediction filter polynomial to reflection coefficients :param a: AR parameters :param efinal: """ results = rlevinson(a, efinal) return results[2]
[docs]def rc2poly(kr, r0=None): """convert reflection coefficients to prediction filter polynomial :param k: reflection coefficients """ # Initialize the recursion from .levinson import levup p = len(kr) #% p is the order of the prediction polynomial. a = numpy.array([1, kr[0]]) #% a is a true polynomial. e = numpy.zeros(5) if r0 is None: e0 = 0 else: e0 = r0 e[0] = e0 * (1. - numpy.conj(numpy.conjugate(kr[0])*kr[0])) # Continue the recursion for k=2,3,...,p, where p is the order of the # prediction polynomial. for k in range(1, p): [a, e[k]] = levup(a, kr[k], e[k-1]) efinal = e[-1] return a, efinal
[docs]def rc2ac(k, R0): """Convert reflection coefficients to autocorrelation sequence. :param k: reflection coefficients :param R0: zero-lag autocorrelation :returns: the autocorrelation sequence .. seealso:: :func:`ac2rc`, :func:`poly2rc`, :func:`ac2poly`, :func:`poly2rc`, :func:`rc2poly`. """ [a,efinal] = rc2poly(k, R0) R, u, kr, e = rlevinson(a, efinal) return R
[docs]def is2rc(inv_sin): """Convert inverse sine parameters to reflection coefficients. :param inv_sin: inverse sine parameters :return: reflection coefficients .. seealso:: :func:`rc2is`, :func:`poly2rc`, :func:`ac2rc`, :func:`lar2rc`. :Reference: J.R. Deller, J.G. Proakis, J.H.L. Hansen, "Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals", Prentice Hall, Section 7.4.5. """ return numpy.sin(numpy.array(inv_sin)*numpy.pi/2);
[docs]def rc2is(k): """Convert reflection coefficients to inverse sine parameters. :param k: reflection coefficients :return: inverse sine parameters .. seealso:: :func:`is2rc`, :func:`rc2poly`, :func:`rc2acC`, :func:`rc2lar`. Reference: J.R. Deller, J.G. Proakis, J.H.L. Hansen, "Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals", Prentice Hall, Section 7.4.5. """ assert numpy.isrealobj(k), 'Inverse sine parameters not defined for complex reflection coefficients.' if max(numpy.abs(k)) >= 1: raise ValueError('All reflection coefficients should have magnitude less than unity.') return (2/numpy.pi)*numpy.arcsin(k)
[docs]def rc2lar(k): """Convert reflection coefficients to log area ratios. :param k: reflection coefficients :return: inverse sine parameters The log area ratio is defined by G = log((1+k)/(1-k)) , where the K parameter is the reflection coefficient. .. seealso:: :func:`lar2rc`, :func:`rc2poly`, :func:`rc2ac`, :func:`rc2ic`. :References: [1] J. Makhoul, "Linear Prediction: A Tutorial Review," Proc. IEEE, Vol.63, No.4, pp.561-580, Apr 1975. """ assert numpy.isrealobj(k), 'Log area ratios not defined for complex reflection coefficients.' if max(numpy.abs(k)) >= 1: raise ValueError('All reflection coefficients should have magnitude less than unity.') # Use the relation, atanh(x) = (1/2)*log((1+k)/(1-k)) return -2 * numpy.arctanh(-numpy.array(k))
[docs]def lar2rc(g): """Convert log area ratios to reflection coefficients. :param g: log area ratios :returns: the reflection coefficients .. seealso: :func:`rc2lar`, :func:`poly2rc`, :func:`ac2rc`, :func:`is2rc`. :References: [1] J. Makhoul, "Linear Prediction: A Tutorial Review," Proc. IEEE, Vol.63, No.4, pp.561-580, Apr 1975. """ assert numpy.isrealobj(g), 'Log area ratios not defined for complex reflection coefficients.' # Use the relation, tanh(x) = (1-exp(2x))/(1+exp(2x)) return -numpy.tanh(-numpy.array(g)/2)
[docs]def lsf2poly(lsf): """Convert line spectral frequencies to prediction filter coefficients returns a vector a containing the prediction filter coefficients from a vector lsf of line spectral frequencies. .. doctest:: >>> from spectrum import lsf2poly >>> lsf = [0.7842 , 1.5605 , 1.8776 , 1.8984, 2.3593] >>> a = lsf2poly(lsf) # array([ 1.00000000e+00, 6.14837835e-01, 9.89884967e-01, # 9.31594056e-05, 3.13713832e-03, -8.12002261e-03 ]) .. seealso:: poly2lsf, rc2poly, ac2poly, rc2is """ # Reference: A.M. Kondoz, "Digital Speech: Coding for Low Bit Rate Communications # Systems" John Wiley & Sons 1994 ,Chapter 4 # Line spectral frequencies must be real. lsf = numpy.array(lsf) if max(lsf) > numpy.pi or min(lsf) < 0: raise ValueError('Line spectral frequencies must be between 0 and pi.') p = len(lsf) # model order # Form zeros using the LSFs and unit amplitudes z = numpy.exp(1.j * lsf) # Separate the zeros to those belonging to P and Q rQ = z[0::2] rP = z[1::2] # Include the conjugates as well rQ = numpy.concatenate((rQ, rQ.conjugate())) rP = numpy.concatenate((rP, rP.conjugate())) # Form the polynomials P and Q, note that these should be real Q = numpy.poly(rQ); P = numpy.poly(rP); # Form the sum and difference filters by including known roots at z = 1 and # z = -1 if p%2: # Odd order: z = +1 and z = -1 are roots of the difference filter, P1(z) P1 = numpy.convolve(P, [1, 0, -1]) Q1 = Q else: # Even order: z = -1 is a root of the sum filter, Q1(z) and z = 1 is a # root of the difference filter, P1(z) P1 = numpy.convolve(P, [1, -1]) Q1 = numpy.convolve(Q, [1, 1]) # Prediction polynomial is formed by averaging P1 and Q1 a = .5 * (P1+Q1) return a[0:-1:1] # do not return last element
[docs]def poly2lsf(a): """Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies. converts the prediction polynomial specified by A, into the corresponding line spectral frequencies, LSF. normalizes the prediction polynomial by A(1). .. doctest:: >>> from spectrum import poly2lsf >>> a = [1.0000, 0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000 ,0.0031, -0.0082] >>> lsf = poly2lsf(a) >>> lsf = array([0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593]) .. seealso:: lsf2poly, poly2rc, poly2qc, rc2is """ #Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials. # Normalize the polynomial a = numpy.array(a) if a[0] != 1: a/=a[0] if max(numpy.abs(numpy.roots(a))) >= 1.0: error('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.'); # Form the sum and differnce filters p = len(a)-1 # The leading one in the polynomial is not used a1 = numpy.concatenate((a, numpy.array([0]))) a2 = a1[-1::-1] P1 = a1 - a2 # Difference filter Q1 = a1 + a2 # Sum Filter # If order is even, remove the known root at z = 1 for P1 and z = -1 for Q1 # If odd, remove both the roots from P1 if p%2: # Odd order P, r = deconvolve(P1,[1, 0 ,-1]) Q = Q1 else: # Even order P, r = deconvolve(P1, [1, -1]) Q, r = deconvolve(Q1, [1, 1]) rP = numpy.roots(P) rQ = numpy.roots(Q) aP = numpy.angle(rP[1::2]) aQ = numpy.angle(rQ[1::2]) lsf = sorted(numpy.concatenate((-aP,-aQ))) return lsf
def schurrc(): raise NotImplementedError