Source code for spectrum.psd

"""This module provides the Base class for PSDs"""
import logging

import numpy

from import nextpow2
from spectrum import errors
from spectrum.window import window_names
from spectrum import tools

__all__ = ["Spectrum", "FourierSpectrum", "ParametricSpectrum", "Range"]

[docs]class Range(object): """A class to ease the creation of frequency ranges. Given the length :attr:`N` of a data sample and a sampling frequency :attr:`sampling`, this class provides methods to generate frequency ranges * :meth:`centerdc`: frequency range from -sampling/2 up to sampling/2 (excluded), * :meth:`twosided`: frequency range from 0 up to sampling (excluded), * :meth:`onesided`: frequency range from 0 up to sampling (included). Each method has a generator version: .. doctest:: :options: +SKIP >>> r = Range(10, sampling=1) >>> list(r.onesided_gen()) [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] >>> r.onesided() [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] The frequency range length is :math:`N/2+1` for the *onesided* case :math:`((N+1)/2` if :math:`N` is odd), and :math:`N` for the *twosided* and *centerdc* cases: .. doctest:: :options: +SKIP >>> r.twosided() [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] >>> len(r.twosided()) 10 >>> len(r.centerdc()) 10 >>> len(r.onesided()) 5 """ def __init__(self, N, sampling=1.): """.. rubric:: **Constructor** :param int N: the data length :param float sampling: sampling frequency of the input :attr:`data`. .. rubric:: Attributes: From the input parameters, read/write attributes are set: * :attr:`N`, the data length, * :attr:`sampling`, the sampling frequency. Additionally, the following read-only attribute is available: * :attr:`df`, the frequency step computed from :attr:`N` and :attr:`sampling`. """ self.__N = N self.__sampling = sampling self.__df = None self._setN(N) self._setsampling(sampling) def _getdf(self): return self.__df df = property(fget=_getdf, doc="""Getter to access the frequency step, computed from :attr:`N` and :attr:`sampling`.""") def _getN(self): return self.__N def _setN(self,N): self.__N = N self.__df = self.__sampling/float(self.__N) N = property(fget=_getN, fset=_setN, doc="""Getter/Setter of the data length. If changed, :attr:`df` is updated.""") def _getsampling(self): return self.__sampling def _setsampling(self, sampling): self.__sampling = sampling self.__df = self.__sampling/float(self.__N) sampling = property(fget=_getsampling, fset=_setsampling, doc="""Getter/Setter of the sampling frequency. If changed, :attr:`df` is updated.""")
[docs] def centerdc_gen(self): """Return the centered frequency range as a generator. :: >>> print(list(Range(8).centerdc_gen())) [-0.5, -0.375, -0.25, -0.125, 0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375] """ for a in range(0, self.N): yield (a-self.N/2) * self.df
[docs] def twosided_gen(self): """Returns the twosided frequency range as a generator :: >>> print(list(Range(8).centerdc_gen())) [0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875] """ for a in range(0, self.N): yield a * self.df
[docs] def onesided_gen(self): """Return the one-sided frequency range as a generator. If :attr:`N` is even, the length is N/2 + 1. If :attr:`N` is odd, the length is (N+1)/2. :: >>> print(list(Range(8).onesided())) [0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5] >>> print(list(Range(9).onesided())) [0.0, 0.1111, 0.2222, 0.3333, 0.4444] """ if self.N % 2 == 0: for n in range(0, self.N//2+1): yield n * self.df else: for n in range(0, (self.N+1)//2): yield n * self.df
[docs] def onesided(self): """Return the one-sided frequency range as a list (see :meth:`onesided_gen` for details). """ return list(self.onesided_gen())
[docs] def twosided(self): """Return the two-sided frequency range as a list (see :meth:`twosided_gen` for details).""" return list(self.twosided_gen())
[docs] def centerdc(self): """Return the two-sided frequency range as a list (see :meth:`centerdc_gen` for details).""" return list(self.centerdc_gen())
def __str__(self): msg = 'Range object information\n' msg += ' N=%s\n' % self.__N msg += ' sampling=%s\n' % self.__sampling msg += ' df=%s\n' % self.__df return msg
[docs]class Spectrum(object): """Base class for all Spectrum classes All PSD classes should inherits from this class to store common attributes such as the input data or sampling frequency. An instance is created as follows:: >>> p = Spectrum(data, sampling=1024) >>> >>> p.sampling The input parameters are: :param array data: input data (list or numpy.array) :param array data_y: input data required to perform cross-PSD only. :param float sampling: sampling frequency of the input :attr:`data` :param str detrend: detrend method ([None,'mean']) to apply on the input data before computing the PSD. See :attr:`detrend`. :param bool scale_by_freq: divide the final PSD by :math:`2*\pi/df` :param int NFFT: total length of the final data sets (padded with zero if needed; default is 4096) The input parameters are available as attributes. Additional attributes such as :attr:`N` (the data length), :attr:`df` (the frequency step are set (see constructor documentation for a complete list). .. warning:: :class:`Spectrum` does not compute the PSD estimate. You can populate manually the :attr:`psd` attribute but you should respect the following convention: * if the input data is real, the PSD is assumed to be one-sided (odd length) * if the input data is complex, the PSD is assumed to be two-sided (even length). When :attr:`psd` is set, :attr:`sides` is reset to its default value, :attr:`NFFT` and :attr:`df` are updated. Spectrum instances have plotting utilities like :meth:`plot` that take care of plotting the PSD versus the appropriate frequency range (based on :attr:`sampling`, :attr:`NFFT` and :attr:`sides`) .. note:: the modification of some attributes (e.g., NFFT), makes the PSD obsolete. In such cases, the PSD must be re-computed before using :meth:`plot` again. At any time, you can get general information about the Spectrum instance:: >>> p = Spectrum(marple_data) >>> print(p) Spectrum summary Data length is 64 PSD not yet computed Sampling 1.0 freq resolution 0.015625 datatype is complex sides is twosided scal_by_freq is True """ _detrend_choices = [None, 'mean'] _sides_choices = ['onesided','twosided', 'centerdc', 'default'] def __init__(self, data, data_y=None, sampling=1., detrend=None, scale_by_freq=True, NFFT=None): """**Constructor** .. rubric:: Attributes: From the input parameters, the following attributes are set: * :attr:`data` (updates :attr:`N`, :attr:`df`, :attr:`datatype`) * :attr:`data_y` used for cross PSD only (correlogram) * :attr:`detrend` * :attr:`sampling` (updates :attr:`df`) * :attr:`scale_by_freq` * :attr:`NFFT` (reset :attr:`sides`, :attr:`df`) The following read-only attributes are set during the initialisation: * :attr:`datatype` * :attr:`df` * :attr:`N` And finally, additional read-write attributes are available: * :attr:`psd`: used to store the PSD data array, which size depends on :attr:`sides` i.e., one-sided for real data and two-sided for the complex data. * :attr:`sides`: if set, changed the :attr:`psd`. """ # user attributes. No need to bother about initialisation here self.__data = None self.__data_y = None self.__sampling = None self.__detrend = None self.__scale_by_freq = None # other attributes self.__sides = None self.__N = None self.__NFFT = None self.__df = None self.__datatype = None self.__psd = None self.__method = None # Real initialise is made here = data if data_y is not None: self.data_y = data_y self.sampling = sampling self.sides = 'default' # self._range.N is the NFFT value. By default, it is the size of the data self._range = Range(self.__data.size, sampling) # can be private. self.modified = True self.sampling = sampling self.scale_by_freq = scale_by_freq self.NFFT = NFFT self.method = self.__class__ # alias to the class name def _getMethod(self): return self.__method def _setMethod(self, method): self.__method = method method = property(fget=_getMethod, fset=_setMethod) """def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): # To be use with care. THis function is there just to help, it # does not populate the proper attribute except psd. if self.method is not None: res = self.method(, *args, **kargs) self.psd = res[0] #return res """
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kargs): # Kept for back compatibility # e.g. used in this external notebook: # self()
def _getDetrend(self): return self.__detrend def _setDetrend(self, detrend): if detrend == self.__detrend: return if detrend not in self._detrend_choices: raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(detrend, self._detrend_choices) self.__detrend = detrend self.modified = True detrend = property(fget=_getDetrend, fset=_setDetrend, doc="""Getter/Setter to detrend: * None: do not perform any detrend. * 'mean': remove the mean value of each segment from each segment of the data. * 'long-mean': remove the mean value from the data before splitting it into segments. * 'linear': remove linear trend from each segment.""") def _get_range(self): return self._range range = property(fget=_get_range, doc="""Read only attribute to a :class:`Range` object.""") def _getScale(self): return self.__scale_by_freq def _setScale(self, scale): if scale == self.__scale_by_freq: return assert scale in [True, False] self.__scale_by_freq = scale self.modified = True scale_by_freq = property(fget=_getScale, fset=_setScale, doc="scale the PSD by :math:`2*\pi/df`") def _getNFFT(self): return self.__NFFT def _setNFFT(self, NFFT):#if NFFT is changed, we need to redo the padding if self.__NFFT == NFFT and self.__NFFT is not None: logging.debug('NFFT is the same, nothing to do') return new_nfft = None if NFFT == 'nextpow2': n = nextpow2( new_nfft = int(pow(2, n)) logging.debug('NFFT is based on nextpow2: %s' % new_nfft) elif NFFT is None: logging.debug('NFFT set to data length') new_nfft = self.N elif isinstance(NFFT, int): logging.debug('NNFT set manually to {}'.format(NFFT)) assert NFFT > 0, 'NFFT must be a positive integer' new_nfft = NFFT else: raise ValueError("NFFT must be either None, positive integer or 'nextpow2'") #print new_nfft if self.__NFFT != new_nfft: self.__NFFT = new_nfft # Now that the NFFT has changed, we need to update the range self._range.N = self.__NFFT self.__sides = self._default_sides() self.modified = True NFFT = property(fget=_getNFFT, fset=_setNFFT, doc= """Getter/Setter to the NFFT attribute. :param NFFT: a user choice for setting :attr:`NFFT`. * if None, the NFFT is set to :attr:`N`, the data length. * if 'nextpow2', computes the next power of 2 greater than or equal to the data length. * if a integer is provided, it must be positive If NFFT is changed, :attr:`sides` is reset and :attr:`df` as well. """) def _default_sides(self): if self.datatype == 'real': sides = 'onesided' else: sides = 'twosided' return sides def _getSides(self): return self.__sides def _setSides(self, sides): # check validity of sides if sides not in self._sides_choices: raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(sides, self._sides_choices) # default value if sides == 'default': sides = self._default_sides() # check validity of sides if self.datatype == 'complex': assert sides != ['onesided'], "complex data cannot be onesided (%s provided)" % sides # If sides is indeed different, update the psd if self.__psd is not None: newpsd = self.get_converted_psd(sides) self.__psd = newpsd self.__sides = sides logging.debug('------------> %s %s' % (self.__sides, sides)) # we set the PSD by hand, so we can consider that PSD is up-to-date self.modified = False _doc_sides = """Getter/Setter to the :attr:`sides` attributes. It can be 'onesided', 'twosided', 'centerdc'. This setter changes :attr:`psd` to reflect the user argument choice. If the datatype is complex, sides cannot be one-sided. """ sides = property(fget=_getSides, fset=_setSides, doc=_doc_sides) def _get_data_y(self): return self.__data_y def _set_data_y(self, data): self.__data_y = data self.modified = True data_y = property(fget=_get_data_y, fset=_set_data_y, doc="""Getter/Setter to the Y-data""") def _getData(self): return self.__data def _setData(self, data): if type(data) == list: from numpy import array self.__data = array(data) else: self.__data = data.copy() self.__N = # N has no setter, so we use the private version self.modified = True if numpy.isrealobj(self.__data): self.__datatype = 'real' else: self.__datatype = 'complex' data = property(fget=_getData, fset=_setData, doc="""Getter/Setter for the input data. If input is a list, it is cast into a numpy.array. Then, :attr:`N`, :attr:`df` and :attr:`datatype` are updated.""") def _getPSD(self): if self.__psd is None or self.modified is True: logging.debug('Computing PSD.') self() self.modified = False return self.__psd def _setPSD(self, psd): # Reset the sides attribute depending on the datatype # if a user sets the PSD manually, the only check available is that # a onesided version must be odd, and a twosided must be even if self.datatype == 'real': assert len(psd) % 2 == 1, 'odd data, so PSD must be one-sided' self.__sides = 'onesided' self.__NFFT = (len(psd)-1) * 2 self.__psd = numpy.array(psd) self._range.N = self.__NFFT else: assert len(psd) % 2 == 0, 'even data, so PSD should be in two-sided format' self.__sides = 'twosided' self.__NFFT = len(psd) self.__psd = numpy.array(psd) self._range.N = self.__NFFT # we set the psd manually, so :attr:modified is reset self.modified = False psd = property(fget=_getPSD, fset=_setPSD, doc="""Getter/Setter to :attr:`psd` :param array psd: the array must be in agreement with the onesided/twosided convention: if the data in real, the psd must be onesided. If the data is complex, the psd must be twosided. When you set this attribute, several attributes are set: * :attr:`sides` is set to onesided if datatype is real and twosided if datatype is complex. * :attr:`NFFT` is set to len(psd) if sides=onesided and (len(psd)-1)*2 if sides=twosided. * :attr:`range`.N is set to NFFT, which update :attr:`df`. """) # simple getter/setter for the N attribute. Updates df def _getN(self): return self.__N N = property(fget=_getN, doc="""Getter to the original data size. :attr:`N` is automatically updated when changing the data only.""") #simple getter/setter for the sampling attribute. Updates sampling and df def _getSampling(self): return self.__sampling def _setSampling(self, sampling): if sampling == self.__sampling: return self.__sampling = sampling self.__df = self.__sampling / float(self.__N) self.modified = True sampling = property(fget=_getSampling, fset=_setSampling, doc="""Getter/Setter to sampling frequency. Updates the :attr:`df` automatically.""") #the frequency resolution. Read only. def _getdf(self): return self._range.df df = property(fget=_getdf, doc="""Getter to step frequency. This attribute is updated as soon as :attr:`data` or :attr:`sampling` is changed""") def _getdatatype(self): return self.__datatype datatype = property(fget=_getdatatype, doc="""Getter to the datatype ('real' or 'complex'). :attr:`datatype` is automatically updated when changing the data.""")
[docs] def scale(self): if self.scale_by_freq is True: self.psd *= 2*numpy.pi/self.df
[docs] def frequencies(self, sides=None): """Return the frequency vector according to :attr:`sides`""" # use the attribute sides except if a valid sides argument is provided if sides is None: sides = self.sides if sides not in self._sides_choices: raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(sides, self._sides_choices) if sides == 'onesided': return self._range.onesided() if sides == 'twosided': return self._range.twosided() if sides == 'centerdc': return self._range.centerdc()
[docs] def get_converted_psd(self, sides): """This function returns the PSD in the **sides** format :param str sides: the PSD format in ['onesided', 'twosided', 'centerdc'] :return: the expected PSD. .. doctest:: from spectrum import * p = pcovar(marple_data, 15) centerdc_psd = p.get_converted_psd('centerdc') .. note:: this function does not change the object, in particular, it does not change the :attr:`psd` attribute. If you want to change the psd on the fly, change the attribute :attr:`sides`. """ if sides == self.sides: #nothing to be done is sides = :attr:`sides return self.__psd if self.datatype == 'complex': assert sides != 'onesided', \ "complex datatype so sides cannot be onesided." if self.sides == 'onesided': logging.debug('Current sides is onesided') if sides == 'twosided': logging.debug('--->Converting to twosided') # here we divide everything by 2 to get the twosided versin N = self.NFFT newpsd = numpy.concatenate((self.psd[0:-1]/2., list(reversed(self.psd[0:-1]/2.)))) # so we need to multiply by 2 the 0 and F2/2 frequencies newpsd[-1] = self.psd[-1] newpsd[0] *= 2. elif sides == 'centerdc': logging.debug('--->Converting to centerdc') newpsd = numpy.concatenate((self.psd[-1:0:-1]/2., self.psd[0:-1]/2.)) # so we need to multiply by 2 the 0 and F2/2 frequencies newpsd[int(self.NFFT/2)] *= 2. newpsd[0] *= 2. elif self.sides == 'twosided': logging.debug('Current sides is twosided') if sides == 'onesided': logging.debug('--->Converting to onesided') N = self.NFFT newpsd = numpy.array(self.psd[0:int(N/2)+1]*2) newpsd[0] /= 2 newpsd[-1] = self.psd[-1] elif sides == 'centerdc': newpsd = tools.twosided_2_centerdc(self.psd) elif self.sides == 'centerdc': # same as twosided to onesided logging.debug('Current sides is centerdc') if sides == 'onesided': logging.debug('--->Converting to onesided') N = self.NFFT newpsd = numpy.array(list(reversed(self.psd[0:int(N/2)+1]*2))) newpsd[0] = self.psd[int(N/2)] newpsd[-1] = self.psd[0] elif sides == 'twosided': newpsd = tools.centerdc_2_twosided(self.psd) else: raise ValueError("sides must be set to 'onesided', 'twosided' or 'centerdc'") return newpsd
[docs] def plot(self, filename=None, norm=False, ylim=None, sides=None, **kargs): """a simple plotting routine to plot the PSD versus frequency. :param str filename: save the figure into a file :param norm: False by default. If True, the PSD is normalised. :param ylim: readjust the y range . :param sides: if not provided, :attr:`sides` is used. See :attr:`sides` for details. :param kargs: any optional argument accepted by :func:`pylab.plot`. .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: from spectrum import * p = Periodogram(marple_data) p.plot(norm=True, marker='o') """ import pylab from pylab import ylim as plt_ylim #First, check that psd attribute is up-to-date # just to get the PSD to be recomputed if needed _ = self.psd # check that the input sides parameter is correct if provided if sides is not None: if sides not in self._sides_choices: raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(sides, self._sides_choices) # if sides is provided but identical to the current psd, nothing to do. # if sides not provided, let us use self.sides if sides is None or sides == self.sides: frequencies = self.frequencies() psd = self.psd sides = self.sides elif sides is not None: # if sides argument is different from the attribute, we need to # create a new PSD/Freq ; indeed we do not want to change the # attribute itself # if data is complex, one-sided is wrong in any case. if self.datatype == 'complex': if sides == 'onesided': raise ValueError("sides cannot be one-sided with complex data") logging.debug("sides is different from the one provided. Converting PSD") frequencies = self.frequencies(sides=sides) psd = self.get_converted_psd(sides) if len(psd) != len(frequencies): raise ValueError("PSD length is %s and freq length is %s" % (len(psd), len(frequencies))) if 'ax' in list(kargs.keys()): save_ax = pylab.gca()['ax']) rollback = True del kargs['ax'] else: rollback = False if norm: pylab.plot(frequencies, 10*pylab.log10(psd/max(psd)), **kargs) else: pylab.plot(frequencies, 10*pylab.log10(psd),**kargs) pylab.xlabel('Frequency') pylab.ylabel('Power (dB)') pylab.grid(True) if ylim: plt_ylim(ylim) if sides == 'onesided': pylab.xlim(0, self.sampling/2.) elif sides == 'twosided': pylab.xlim(0, self.sampling) elif sides == 'centerdc': pylab.xlim(-self.sampling/2., self.sampling/2.) if filename: pylab.savefig(filename) if rollback: del psd, frequencies #is it needed?
[docs] def power(self): r"""Return the power contained in the PSD if scale_by_freq is False, the power is: .. math:: P = N \sum_{k=1}^{N} P_{xx}(k) else, it is .. math:: P = \sum_{k=1}^{N} P_{xx}(k) \frac{df}{2\pi} .. todo:: check these equations """ if self.scale_by_freq == False: return sum(self.psd) * len(self.psd) else: return sum(self.psd) * self.df/(2.*numpy.pi)
def _str_title(self): return "Spectrum summary\n" def __str__(self): msg = self._str_title() msg += " Data length is %s\n" % try: msg += " PSD length is %s\n" % self.psd.size except: msg += " PSD not yet computed\n" msg += " Sampling %s\n" % self.sampling msg += " freq resolution %s\n" % self.df msg += " datatype is %s\n" % self.datatype msg += " sides is %s\n" % self.sides msg += " scal_by_freq is %s\n" % self.scale_by_freq return msg
[docs]class ParametricSpectrum(Spectrum): """Spectrum based on Fourier transform. This class inherits attributes and methods from :class:`Spectrum`. It is used by children class :class:`~spectrum.periodogram.Periodogram`, :class:`~spectrum.correlog.pcorrelogram` and :class:`Welch` PSD estimates. The parameters are those used by :class:`Spectrum`. :param array data: Input data (list or numpy.array) :param float sampling: sampling frequency of the input :attr:`data` :param str detrend: detrend method ([None,'mean']) to apply on the input data before computing the PSD. See :attr:`detrend`. :param bool scale_by_freq: Divide the final PSD by :math:`2*\pi/df` In addition you need specific parameters such as: :param str window: a tapering window. See :class:`~spectrum.window.Window`. :param int lag: to be used by the :class:`~spectrum.correlog.pcorrelogram` methods only. :param int NFFT: Total length of the data given to the FFT This class has dedicated PSDs methods such as :meth:`periodogram`, which are equivalent to children class such as :class:`~spectrum.periodogram.Periodogram`. .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: from spectrum import datasets from spectrum import ParametricSpectrum data = datasets.data_cosine(N=1024) s = ParametricSpectrum(data, ar_order=4, ma_order=4, sampling=1024, NFFT=512, lag=10) #s.parma() #s.plot(sides='onesided') #s.plot(sides='twosided') """ def __init__(self, data, sampling=1., ar_order=None, ma_order=None, lag=-1, NFFT=None, detrend=None, scale_by_freq=True): """**Constructor** See the class documentation for the parameters. .. rubric:: Additional attributes to those inherited from :class:`Spectrum`: * :attr:`ar_order`, the ar order of the PSD estimates * :attr:`ma_order`, the ar order of the PSD estimates """ super(ParametricSpectrum, self).__init__(data, sampling=sampling, NFFT=NFFT, scale_by_freq=scale_by_freq, detrend=detrend) if ar_order is None and ma_order is None: raise errors.SpectrumARMAError #new user attributes self.__ar_order = ar_order self.__ma_order = ma_order self.ar_order = ar_order self.ma_order = ma_order self.lag = lag # will be populated when running an ARMA PSD estimate self.__ar = None self.__ma = None self.__reflection = None self.__rho = None def _set_ar_order(self, ar): if ar is not None: if ar < 0: raise errors.SpectrumARError self.__ar_order = ar def _get_ar_order(self): return self.__ar_order ar_order = property(fget=_get_ar_order, fset=_set_ar_order, doc="") def _set_ma_order(self, ma): if ma is not None: if ma < 0: raise errors.SpectrumMAError self.__ma_order = ma else: self.__ma_order = None def _get_ma_order(self): return self.__ma_order ma_order = property(fget=_get_ma_order, fset=_set_ma_order, doc="") def _set_ma(self, ma): self.__ma = ma def _get_ma(self): return self.__ma ma = property(fget=_get_ma, fset=_set_ma, doc="") def _set_ar(self, ar): self.__ar = ar def _get_ar(self): return self.__ar ar = property(fget=_get_ar, fset=_set_ar, doc="") def _set_rho(self, rho): self.__rho = rho def _get_rho(self): return self.__rho rho = property(fget=_get_rho, fset=_set_rho) def _set_ref(self, ref): self.__reflection = ref def _get_ref(self): return self.__reflection reflection = property(fget=_get_ref, fset=_set_ref) """ self.reflection = None elif method == 'aryule': from spectrum import aryule ar, v, coeff = aryule(, self.ar_order) = ar self.rho = v self.reflection = coeff """
[docs] def plot_reflection(self): from pylab import stem, title, xlabel, ylabel if self.reflection is not None: stem(list(range(0, len(self.reflection))), abs(self.reflection)) title('Reflection coefficient evolution') xlabel('Order') ylabel('Reflection Coefficient absolute values') else: logging.warning("Reflection coefficients not available or not yet computed.")
def _str_title(self): return "ParametricSpectrum summary\n" def __str__(self): return super(ParametricSpectrum, self).__str__()
[docs]class FourierSpectrum(Spectrum): """Spectrum based on Fourier transform. This class inherits attributes and methods from :class:`Spectrum`. It is used by children class :class:`~spectrum.periodogram.Periodogram`, :class:`~spectrum.correlog.pcorrelogram` and :class:`Welch` PSD estimates. The parameters are those used by :class:`Spectrum` :param array data: Input data (list or numpy.array) :param data_y: input data required to perform cross-PSD only. :param float sampling: sampling frequency of the input :attr:`data` :param str detrend: detrend method ([None,'mean']) to apply on the input data before computing the PSD. See :attr:`detrend`. :param bool scale_by_freq: Divide the final PSD by :math:`2*\pi/df` :param int NFFT: total length of the data given to the FFT In addition you need specific parameters such as: :param str window: a tapering window. See :class:`~spectrum.window.Window`. :param int lag: to be used by the :class:`~spectrum.correlog.pcorrelogram` methods only. This class has dedicated PSDs methods such as :meth:`speriodogram`, which are equivalent to children class such as :class:`~spectrum.periodogram.Periodogram`. .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: from spectrum import datasets from spectrum import FourierSpectrum s = FourierSpectrum(datasets.data_cosine(), lag=32, sampling=1024, NFFT=512) s.periodogram() s.plot(label='periodogram') #s.correlogram() s.plot(label='correlogram') from pylab import legend, xlim legend() xlim(0,512) """ _window = window_names def __init__(self, data, sampling=1., window='hanning', NFFT=None, detrend=None, scale_by_freq=True, lag=-1): """**Constructor** See the class documentation for the parameters. .. rubric:: Additional attributes to those inherited from :class:`Spectrum` are: * :attr:`lag`, a lag used to compute the autocorrelation * :attr:`window`, the tapering window to be used """ super(FourierSpectrum, self).__init__(data, sampling=sampling, detrend=detrend, scale_by_freq=scale_by_freq, NFFT=NFFT) self.__window = None self.__lag = None #self.P0 = None self.lag = lag self.window = window def _set_window(self, window): if window == self.__window: return if window not in self._window: raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(window, self._window) self.__window = window self.modified = True def _get_window(self): return self.__window window = property(fget=_get_window, fset=_set_window, doc="""Tapering window to be applied""") def _set_lag(self, lag): if lag == self.__lag: return self.__lag = lag self.modified = True def _get_lag(self): return self.__lag lag = property(fget=_get_lag, fset=_set_lag, doc="""Getter/Setter used by the correlogram when autocorrelation estimates are required.""") def _str_title(self): return "FourierSpectrum summary\n"
[docs] def periodogram(self): """An alias to :class:`~spectrum.periodogram.Periodogram` The parameters are extracted from the attributes. Relevant attributes ares :attr:`window`, attr:`sampling`, attr:`NFFT`, attr:`scale_by_freq`, :attr:`detrend`. .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: from spectrum import datasets from spectrum import FourierSpectrum s = FourierSpectrum(datasets.data_cosine(), sampling=1024, NFFT=512) s.periodogram() s.plot() """ from .periodogram import speriodogram psd = speriodogram(, window=self.window, sampling=self.sampling, NFFT=self.NFFT, scale_by_freq=self.scale_by_freq, detrend=self.detrend) self.psd = psd